
About the Host (PHP):

"PHP" stands for "Peace and Happiness through Prosperity," which express the ultimate ideal of PHP Institute: to bring peace and fulfilment to human society by assuring both spiritual and material abundance. To this end, the Institute conducts studies on a wide range of subjects centred on man and society.
It also organizes a variety of programs designed to promote the ideals of "PHP" & share the fruits of its research with people all over the world. PHP Institute is a research organization as well as a humanistic, cultural, and social movement.
The Institute is open to all ideas, past or present, Eastern or Western, scientific or religious, as long as they contribute to the improvement to bring different ideas, experiences, and traditions together in pursuit of better ways to achieve peace and happiness.
Its goal is universal, a shared aspiration of all people. Likewise, activities dedicated to that goal are going on everywhere. The PHP movement, therefore, goes far beyond the bounds of the Institute alone.
Presently the Institute has about 340 full-time, permanent employees, 210 of whom are in the Tokyo Office, established in November 1965. In addition, the Institute contracts a large number of outside specialists as advisors, consultants and research scholars.